Goal Update

2016 (Four Buildings Only): 42

System-Wide Baseline (2020): 51

Current (2024): 56

2030 Goal: 80


SES score is calculated based on survey responses to five key questions

Recent Successes

SHIP Ambassadors

Over the past year, we have reengaged and recruited new Sustainable Health Implementation Plan (SHIP) Ambassadors, who help promote and communicate about sustainability topics with their peers. We now have over 90 Ambassadors committed to helping make change throughout the organization. This group has been surveyed to better understand communication preferences at Methodist and will continue to support SALT efforts to increase knowledge and engagement around sustainability topics at Methodist.

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, please visit the sustainability page on the Integrated Services page of the MHS Intranet to learn more.

Quarterly State of Sustainability Meetings

Each quarter, we hold an hour-long meeting to share updates and information, highlight successes across locations, and plan for upcoming activities. All Methodist employees are invited to attend, with a particular emphasis on engaging with SALTs and Ambassadors.

825 Sustainability Newsletter

The Sustainability Ambassador Leadership Team (SALT) at the 825 building recently launched a quarterly sustainability newsletter that is sent to all employees at the 825 building. This newsletter focuses on sharing recent sustainability accomplishments and news, identifying opportunities for employees to support sustainability, and sharing any interesting opportunities or events that employees can participate in.

Earth Month

Various activities are organized to celebrate Earth Month each April. In 2023, affiliate locations planted trees, Sort to Save tabling in the cafes, and individuals across the organization posted about their sustainability actions on an online bulletin board tool. We have also hosted a webinar with speakers from the Nebraska College of Medicine highlighting the impact climate change is having on lung health.

Sustainability Ambassador Leadership Teams (SALTs)

In order to make ongoing efforts as specific and successful as possible for all locations, the Sustainability Ambassador Leadership Teams were established at Methodist affiliate locations. These Teams will be responsible for leading initiatives to engage employees around sustainability. They will be provided resources from the system level and will be able to implement engagement strategies that suit the people and situation at their location. Ambassadors can partner these teams and work closely with them to distribute information and to engage their peers.


Upcoming Efforts

Sustainability Engagement Score Update

Sustainability Engagement is measured through a bi-annual survey administered to all employees at Methodist. The survey measures 5 dimensions of engagement around sustainability topics:

  • Awareness of Methodist’s sustainability efforts,
  • Knowledge of ways to be sustainable at work,
  • Self-reported behavioral frequency of key sustainable behaviors,
  • Perceived norms of sustainable behaviors in peers, and
  • Familiarity with the concept of sustainability.

The survey was first administered in 2016 and the overall score has seen an 14 point increase since the first administration. Key areas of growth include increased awareness of Methodist’s efforts to be more sustainable, increased knowledge of ways to be sustainable at work, and increased familiarity with sustainability. The next survey will be sent out late in 2026.

Our Goals