Goal Update

2016 (Four Buildings Only): 8%

System-Wide Baseline (2020): 20%

2022 Update: 16%

2030 Goal: 30%

Mode split is the percentage of employees not driving alone in a vehicle to work

Recent Successes

Commute with Care

This program, based on employee survey data, supports employees who commute sustainably. Nearly 100 employees are participating in the program, which was launched in September 2022. Find more information about Commute with Care online. Benefits include:

  • A free Metro bus pass
  • Free emergency rides hom
  • Free online access to Methodist’s Metro
  • Rideshare carpool matching portal (Currently this site is not functioning. Individuals who have signed up for Commute with Care will be informed when updates are available)
  • Improved bicycle infrastructure

Achieved Original Mode Split Goal

Largely due to the pandemic, we achieved our goal of a 12% mode split several years early. Lessons learned from our experience during the pandemic are being applied to our new reality in an effort to maintain this progress.


Upcoming Efforts

Commute with Care Expansion

We will continue to expand employee participation in this program by communicating about benefits and offering education about sustainable commuting. To sign up, go to https://staff.bestcare.org/commute-with-care-program.

Our Goals