Goal Update

Baseline (2020): 57,448 MtCO2e
Current (2023):
65,267 MtCO2e (14% increase)
Goal (2030):
28,724 MtCO2e (50% reduction)

All measurements in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent

Recent Successes

Net Zero Pathway

The development of a pathway to achieve our carbon reduction goals was completed in 2022. Key strategies that will bring down our emissions include energy efficiency and conservation, onsite solar, fleet electrification and much more. Every quarter, leaders of each affiliate location meet to review last quarter’s utility usage, and identify the cause for any usage abnormalities. Our overall greenhouse gas emissions are reported to the community through this dashboard and at the first State of Sustainability call of the year.

Premium Dashboard

Methodist building managers now have access to a premium dashboard that depicts all of Methodist Health System’s building energy and water usage. The dashboard provides customizable views of utility usage to allow for faster analysis and response to trend abnormalities.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Based on an outside assessment of all system facilities, a targeted list of key infrastructure improvements has been identified. This includes whole building retro-commissioning and equipment upgrades and replacements that will deliver new energy efficiencies and reduce emissions in the coming years. A recent retro-commision of 825 saw a 21% drop in natural gas since its completion in September.

Sustainable Design Guidelines

In 2021, we developed a set of Sustainability Design Guidelines to help drive our new construction and renovation efforts. These guidelines include ambitious recommendations for reducing energy use intensity and considerations of renewable energy generation such as onsite solar and geothermal.

Upcoming Efforts

Efficiency Improvements

Continued efficiency improvements in our facilities – including mechanical upgrades, LED retrofits, state of the art building controls and energy monitoring, and retro-commissioning – will reduce the amount of energy we consume.

Our Goals